Wednesday, May 23, 2012

The Garden of Carnivorous Plants: Casting Call

That is the title of my first feature which, incha’ Alla, will be shot during the last two weeks of September, in a remote valley of Joshua Tree Park, with a skeletal yet versatile crew. How to describe it? Perhaps it will vaguely resemble Last Tango in Paris, but it takes place in the desert, and the woman is older than the man, and there are no guns – I always thought that was one of the more disappointing endings in cinema. Its mood and rhythm will be closer to Woman in the Dunes. It is an erotic film, with a touch of horror, but it also contains elements of western and noir.  And hopefully it will conjure, albeit fleetingly, the ghosts of Tarkovsky, Bresson, Antonioni, and Oshima.

The story is simple: a young man hikes into a desert valley and encounters a mysterious woman who happens to be camped there. In this sensual yet austere landscape, isolated from the repressive sexual mores of civilization, the woman guides her delicate prey through the darker realms of his own sexuality, leading to self-discoveries that are both shocking and transformative.

The crew is shaping up nicely, the young man has been cast, script and shot list are being honed, but I have yet to find my female lead. She is mid 20's to mid 30's, intelligent, beautiful, sensual, graceful, confident, and uninhibited. She is comfortable being filmed partially nude, willing to camp in the desert, and is not afraid of spiders, or willing to conquer that fear. She need not have experience acting, though some dance training would be a plus. Compensation is $150 per diem plus expenses. Any information as to the whereabouts of this person will be highly appreciated. She can contact me at

“To translate the invisible wind by the water it sculpts in passing.”
 -Robert Bresson, on the art of filmmaking.